Pima Elementary School is located at 8330 E. Osborn Road in the Scottsdale Unified School District.This K-5 school has approximately 700 students and is an “A” rated school. Pima scored a 8 out of 10 on greatschools.org. Principal Amy Uchacz says the school’s mission is to provide a “rigorous academic environment that supports and nurtures the development of respect and responsibility and citizenship skills necessary for success in the 21st century”.
Pima Elementary School has high academic expectations for their students. They are required to take math, language arts, social studies, science and an elective. In addition, student activities include student council, art, music, band, choir, sports, PE, lunchtime intramural activities, after school enrichment and more. Pima staff believes that all students will be successful. The focus is on teaching the essential standards Teachers adjust and balance instruction to meet the needs of all students by challenging each child as his/her academic level.
Pima Elementary School has an active PTO and parents are very involved. Families look forward to the monthly Flag Raising Ceremony, which showcases and develops patriotism and community engagement. They also sponsor the annual Fall Festival, Accelerated Reading, Arts in Education, PE Field day and provide computer headsets, playground equipment, shade structures, parking lot safety items, music supplies and much more.
Check out the SUSD boundary map to find other schools in the area.
Call the Sibbach Team today to view homes within the Pima Elementary School boundaries.