Most people underestimate the impact of excitement created by grass. This is an example of why we compare home selling to online dating – green grass makes you swipe right. Our client “#23 Sally Seller’s” home was in the same neighborhood as new builds that were selling for more. Many buyers searching for homes in that neighborhood preferred buying new because they didn’t want the hassle of repairs and upgrades needed for an older home. With this in mind, it was especially important to not under-appreciate the need to have zero functional obsolescence.
With our advice and guidance, “Sally” installed fresh sod to her front and backyard that was previously all desert landscaping. We then listed her home for $325k and it sold in 14 days for $317k – 97.7% of the list price. It was the highest used home sold in that neighborhood the past 5 years and the first over $300k.
*To respect the identity of our clients, we have nicknamed our clients “Sam Seller” and “Sally Seller”.