The DC Ranch Country Club in Scottsdale is proud to announce that the first phase of its expansion and renovation process has started and the rest should be complete by the end of the year. In the last 2 years, the Club has welcomed over 250 new families, with 530 active families today. As of August 2013, below is a list of what is completed and what is in the process.
1. Kitchen: The kitchen was updated and renovated with new equipment this summer to meet members’ needs and increase efficiency.
2. Member Dining: This is the main gathering areas where members meet for events, happy hours, dinning and special functions, and it will be expanded to allow for a more open concept and indoor/outdoor dining.
3. Tennis: There are over 200 participants in the tennis program, so additions are needed to the tennis facility which will include a tennis shop, offices, retail space, and a indoor gathering area for light food and drinks.
4. Golf Course: The Greenside Bunker will be completely renovated
The newly renovated facilities will be the center piece for the members to continue to meet, play, dine and celebrate.
Visit DC Ranch to view homes for sale.