DC Ranch is already planning for the new year! The Ranch Association plans to spend a little over $1.2 million on neighborhood reserve projects next year, including implementing the recently adopted Firewise certification in many neighborhoods. Other major scheduled upgrades include common wall painting, gate equipment, park furniture and landscaping.
List by neighborhoods of the the 2022 planned improvements:
Arcadia-New gatehouse A/C unit and camera equipment, park furniture, landscape improvements and asphalt seal coating.
Camelot- Tree replacements and turf renovation.
Country Club- New gate cameras, fencing, landscape improvements and Firewise clearing.
Desert Haciendas- Turf renovation.
Estates- Sidewalk replacements and Firewise clearing.
Horseshoe- Gate cameras, sidewalk replacements, park furniture and bridge repairs.
Market Street Villas- Wood and metal painting.
Montelena- Common wall painting and repairs, Firewise clearing.
Pioneer- Landscape improvements.
Rosewood- Turf renovation and landscape improvements.
Terrace East- Common wall repairs and painting, tree replacements, Firewise clearing and sidewalk replacements.
Windgate- New gate cameras, seal coating, asphalt repairs and Firewise clearing.