If you are looking for an academically rigorous school for your child, Foothills Academy in the Cave Creek Homes For Sale area might be exactly what you are looking for. Foothills Academy and Foothills Academy College Prep is recognized as one of the premier charter schools in Arizona. Serving grades 1-12, Foothills Academy is an “excelling” school. Foothills is a tuition free charter school and over 95% of graduates pursue college degrees.
Foothills Academy faculty and staff are dedicated to the success of their students. Most of the teachers have earned Masters Degrees. Accomplishments of the school include all honors high school curriculum, dual enrollment opportunities, wireless connectivity thorough out campus plus state of the art portable computer labs. Foothills Academy received the Valley Association’s top Environmental Excellence Award, the Crescordia, for outstanding contributions to the physical environment of Valley communities.
Foothills Academy in the Cave Creek Homes For Sale Area offers a wide range of programs for students of all ages and interests. The programs offered include after school clubs such as technology, dance, stage band, Spanish and comedy improvisation, just to name a few. They also offer athletic programs, field experiences, student publications, peer judiciary, science fair and student council.